Safely Distanced Garden Tour - Whittier Elementary
Whittier Community Garden is just getting up and running following the construction of the new school and the conversion of part of the old school into a community center. We have been fortunate to be able to make contact with a few of the gardeners who lost their spaces due to the sale of the Jordan Street Garden and bring them onboard.
Borah Community Gardens
10am - Noon Save the Date and Time, we're meeting at Borah Community Gardens Next!!
We will meet by the pool.
801 Aurora Dr, Boise, ID 83704
Please bring a mask, water, and the things you normally have to be comfortable, as well as a snack if you'll need one.
We look forward to learning about this garden!
Taft Elementary Community Gardens
Our next Community Garden Tour will be at 10 - 11:30 on 7/11 at the illustrious Taft Elementary Community Garden (Location - The actual garden is in that dirt rectangle behind Saint Mary's food bank).
Meridian Coop Gardens
Last Saturday's visit at Meridian Coop Gardens was epic! Juli generously walked us through the whole operation and provided a TON of valuable information about their methods and relationship building with community partners. Photos can be seen at
Seeds of Hope
Saturday 5/30 at the Seeds of Hope Community Garden at the Vineyard Church. You can show up anywhere from 10am - 2pm if you want to volunteer and get your hands dirty, otherwise the tour and meeting will start at 2pm. Please bring a mask, gloves, sanitizer if you've got it, if not there will be some. We’ll be practicing social distancing of at least 6ft!
Please bring a lunch or snack.