
Safely Distanced Garden Tour - Whittier Elementary

Safely Distanced Garden Tour - Whittier Elementary

Whittier Community Garden is just getting up and running following the construction of the new school and the conversion of part of the old school into a community center. We have been fortunate to be able to make contact with a few of the gardeners who lost their spaces due to the sale of the Jordan Street Garden and bring them onboard.

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Borah Community Gardens

Borah Community Gardens

10am - Noon Save the Date and Time, we're meeting at Borah Community Gardens Next!!

We will meet by the pool.

801 Aurora Dr, Boise, ID 83704

Please bring a mask, water, and the things you normally have to be comfortable, as well as a snack if you'll need one.

We look forward to learning about this garden!

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Seeds of Hope

Seeds of Hope

Saturday 5/30 at the Seeds of Hope Community Garden at the Vineyard Church. You can show up anywhere from 10am - 2pm if you want to volunteer and get your hands dirty, otherwise the tour and meeting will start at 2pm. Please bring a mask, gloves, sanitizer if you've got it, if not there will be some. We’ll be practicing social distancing of at least 6ft! 

Please bring a lunch or snack. 

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