Garden Details & Agreement

We have room for 1-2 Co-op Community Gardeners to join us for this 2024 season!

We are located at St. Stephens Episcopal Church on Cole Road across the street from Fairmont Junior high. As a co-op, we cultivate the area together as a group and share equally in the harvest. This way, we can make the most of the water we use, and our collective efforts.

This also allows us to meet, chat, and share stories, and knowledge.

What you'll get:

  • At least a bag full of food every week of our high season, which should begin by late May and run through mid-October.

  • Hands-on gardening skills

  • Time with good people cultivating healthy food together

  • The resonant benefits of sharing this beautiful space with fellow community members, and school kids who help with, and learn from the garden.

  • Recommended resources for practical gardening skills

What you're signing up for:

  • Approximately 6 hours per week during the season, split between two working days per week, which begins in mid-April and runs through mid-October. This is a total of 46 garden work days. We gather as a group 1 weekend day per week so we know what we're working on that week. The weekday is flexible, as long as we're familiar with and comfortable doing the work at hand.

  • Gardeners can start as early as mid-March and continue into the fall as long as they like, but the season typically wraps up by mid-October.

  • Benefits of starting early include: More say in what is planted and available for harvest during the high season. Our harvests continue to be abundant well into late October.

  • Exercise that costs far less than a gym pass, and you get amazing food out of it.

  • Students from our neighboring junior high school begin learning in the garden experientially in the early Fall and both help, and harvest during those times.

  • Gardeners can miss up to 6 total days over the season, but ideally will make up for the work day missed, and/or reach out to our list of volunteers to see if they can be covered for those days.

$25 per Gardener for the season

This goes to garden supplies like soil, replacement parts for the drip system, organic food stuffs for the garden to bolster plant health (liquid OG compost, Fish emulsion), etc.

Part-Time Gardener

If you can't commit to the full 46 days, or 2 working days per week for 26 consecutive weeks, please join us as a volunteer. A Part-Time Gardener is able to commit to 12 weeks of the season 2 days per week - or just one day per week of the full 25 weeks, and that is invaluable. You will still have a share of the harvest on the days you come, the crops will be designated by the Gardeners that week.

We just ask that you mark some days on your calendars for the season so we know what to plan for.

We still ask for $25 per Part Time Gardener - the uses for these funds will be the same as those noted above.

Community Volunteer

If you like the idea of gardening but have a lot of other things going on and just want to try it out a few times, please join our list of community volunteers. In doing so, you're allowing our Gardeners and Part Time Gardeners to reach out to you, inviting you to come cover them for a day or days they may be out - either for a planned vacation, or an unexpected personal emergency. On days you cover other gardeners you'll have their harvest share.

You will also be invited to 2 or 3 community volunteer working days and general events at the garden over the season! On community days we may or may not have a harvest available. For for at least 1 of these days, part of the focus for the event will be sharing the garden bounty! So you'll be among the first to know of the event!

No fee required, but any donations accepted with gratitude!

2024 Garden fee for Gardeners and Part-Time Gardeners can be paid here, or via Venmo @acreativeasset
Cash contributions can also be made in-person at new-gardener orientation day! Date TBD.

Fee will be used for garden supplies like soil, replacement parts for the drip system, organic foodstuffs for the garden to bolster plant health (liquid OG compost, Fish emulsion), etc.